Preemie Support and Awareness

Preemie Support and Awareness

I am so honored that I was asked to write a Mother’s Day post for Preemie Support and Awareness. They do an amazing job providing support and resources to preemie families. Here’s a little snippet. There’s a link to their page for the rest of the post, and while you’re there check out the resources they have for preemie families.

I have quite a few titles I’m known by: daughter, wife, aunt, cousin, niece, friend, and so on. But the title that is the most precious to me is Mother. I remember the first time I truly felt like a mom. When I finally felt that deep connection that only exists between James and me. I was surprised because it wasn’t when James was born. It wasn’t the first time I held him in kangaroo care. It wasn’t the first time I fed him. It wasn’t even when we brought him home after 160 days in the NICU. I knew I was his mom each one of those times. They are truly precious moments to me that I treasure, but I didn’t feel like his mom. (See the rest of the post here.)

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